- ACT 8
- Alumni 2
- Art 2
- COVID 37
- COVID Response Series 12
- Campus Life 7
- Career 29
- Christianity 14
- College Admissions 198
- College Affordability 235
- College Application 52
- College Choices 53
- College Enrollment 10
- College Life 35
- College Sessions 34
- College Students 3
- DEI 1
- Distance Learning 14
- Education 222
- Elementary 1
- Enrichment 7
- Enrichment Programs 24
- Federal Loan Forgiveness 11
- Financial Aid 15
- GPA 24
- Graduates 9
- Graduation 39
- High School 46
- History 3
- Homework Club 3
- Jobs/Internships 65
- Jumpstart Session 1
- Language 9
- Legislation 11
- Life Skills 98
- Math 31
- Middle School 10
- Nursing/ Healthcare 3
- Politics 18
- Private Universities 5
- Programs 1
- Resources 3
- S.T.E.A.M. 33
- SAT 56
- SAT Prep 37
- Scholarships 137
- Summer Program 23
- Tech 9
College Success and Spirituality!
The students with a spiritual foundation tend to do better in college and life after graduation. Learn why!
The College Admissions Checklist | Class of 2025!
Let us walk you through each step of everything class of 2025 needs to do for college admissions success.
Don’t Start College Blind To These Things!
You need to attend Saturday’s college prep session!
Cal State LA Protest Riot Vandalism
Deacon Wilson covers the early considerations in college application completion.
Freshman Year Tips! Navigating Love, Career, and Family Dynamics
How to navigate Love, Career, and Family Dynamics in college.
How to Succeed College Freshman year
What students need to know about surving college life freshman year. Register today.
How to Prevent College Stop Out!
Make sure your student is prepared for the transition to college life with these sessions!
Apply to Attend Bruin Weekend 2024 at UCLA!
Apply to attend Bruin Weekend 2024. A free experience for students currently in the 9th grade, entering 10th grade in the Fall! Deadline: May 10, 2024
How to Fix Anti-Israel Student Behavior at UC's!!!
What to do when politics are interrupting student success and wellbeing on campus?
Violence Isn't Free Speech!
Praying for our UC & CSU leader in navigating anti-semitism violence on campuses.
Academic Integrity at Harvard University
Our thoughts on the current events at Harvard and other Ivy League schools.
Conquer Your Semester After the Holidays
Join this meeting to learn how to conquer college after you return from holiday break.
Is There Free Speech on College Campuses?
Discussing how Christian students are experiencing bias at college.
Why High School Seniors Need 4 Years of Math?
If your student needs help with their MATH join our Virtual Homework Assistance Program
100+ Colleges Still Require the COVID-19 Vaccine
Did you know that 100+ schools are still requiring the vaccine? Check this list to see if your school does.
[Video] How To Strategically Choose A College Major
Navigate the world of College Majors and Career - Including the development of parallel skills while in 4-Year College in this video.
[Video] Create a Game Plan for Low College Grades!
Watch this quick video to understand your next steps if you received low first semester college grades.
[Video] Don't Let First Semester Grades Affect Your FAFSA!
Students have now completed their first semester of the college year and it's time to check in on their grades and request transcripts.