- ACT 8
- Alumni 2
- Art 2
- COVID 37
- COVID Response Series 12
- Campus Life 7
- Career 29
- Christianity 14
- College Admissions 198
- College Affordability 235
- College Application 52
- College Choices 53
- College Enrollment 10
- College Life 35
- College Sessions 34
- College Students 3
- DEI 1
- Distance Learning 14
- Education 222
- Elementary 1
- Enrichment 6
- Enrichment Programs 24
- Federal Loan Forgiveness 11
- Financial Aid 15
- GPA 24
- Graduates 9
- Graduation 39
- High School 46
- History 3
- Homework Club 3
- Jobs/Internships 65
- Jumpstart Session 1
- Language 9
- Legislation 11
- Life Skills 98
- Math 31
- Middle School 10
- Nursing/ Healthcare 3
- Politics 18
- Private Universities 5
- Programs 1
- Resources 3
- S.T.E.A.M. 33
- SAT 56
- SAT Prep 37
- Scholarships 137
- Summer Program 23
- Tech 9
[Video] The Full College Admissions and Financial Aid Process C/O 24
This video is a breakdown of the full college admission and financial aid process specific to the Class of 2024!
[Video] Open Message on CA Math Framework: It's NOT an equitable approach!
It's up to the superintendents of instruction to determine how this new CA Math Framework will be implemented in their schools.
[Video] Our Warning About CA's New Math Framework!
Understand why parents need to be cautious about the new CA Math Framework passing and how to protect your students.
[Video] Why Students Need Algebra 2, Not Data Science?
With changes in the California Math Curriculum, this discusses a change to the UC Math Requirements that will allow students to take "Data Science" vs Algebra II.
[Video] Why We Must Not let Data Science pass!
Why it’s really dangerous to let data science into schools.
(WATCH) Does Equity Math ACTUALLY Help Black Students?
Director John Wilson is on The Reason We Learn podcast to talk about how he thinks the parents of Black students feel about Equity Math.
(WATCH) Updates on Vaccine Mandates for CSU and UC's.
Will vaccine mandates still be required? Here is what we're thinking.
(WATCH) What Parents Should Do About Falling Math Scores?
Podcast E1S1 - The National and Local Report Cards are Out: We are FAILING OUR CHILDREN! Parents, here is what you need to do NOW!
(WATCH) LAUSD Brings In LGBTQ Curriculum
In these DON’T MISS videos, Deacon John Wilson addresses the new LGBTQ curriculum LAUSD is requiring for schools, what parents can do to prepare their students, and what this means on a larger scales.
The Educational Freedom Act | Signature's Needed!
We don't typically get behind many of the propositions but we've found this one to be VERY IMPORTANT as it will help EVERY STUDENT we work with. Learn more and SIGN THE PETITION.
(WATCH) Signatures Needed. The California School Choice Proposition Is Important!
We don't typically get behind many of the propositions but we've found this one to be VERY IMPORTANT as it will help EVERY STUDENT we work with. Learn more and SIGN THE PETITION.