Financial Aid & College Affordability
Watch Our "How To Pay For College" Video Below
The “right” college for your child is one to which he or she is admissible, is adaptable to their needs and affordable, even in this economic climate. Too many times, parents believe that the more expensive a school is or the better known a school is, the better it will be for their college-going youth. Many parents further believe that getting the right education for their child will mean an agreement to take loans of over $175,000 for college.
This could not be further from the truth!
There are very great and top schools available if we can just get past not having heard about those more affordable schools and instead teach our youth that it’s more important that we can:
Save our retirement funds and still afford their education while they can get the hands-on experience to succeed in life.
The school promotes the student values and behaviors needed for success.
FInancial Aid & AFfordability Info sessions
The 10 Most Common Cost Trap Colleges
Characteristics of "Cost Trap" Colleges
College Admissions Process Timeline
College Admissions Application Phases
Rolling Admissions Phase – The One We Are In Now
What about the College Application Essay?
10 Important College Financial Aid Facts that are Not Commonly Known
Our Top 10 Preferred Colleges and Why
Schedule Review …and MUCH MORE!
For more college affordability information, sign up for our newsletter to know when our next session is.
Scholarships are also a great way to help pay for college. Find multiple opportunities your student should know about below.
Financial Aid Resources and Links
What is the "PLUS" Loan and What Do I Need to Know About It?
Cash Grants for Women - Soroptimist International - Live Your Dreams Awards is offering a cash grant for women. Below are the forms you'll need to submit.
Scholarships for Minorities and Students Transitioning from Foster care or state custody, are homeless, have special needs or are immigrants.
Here's Plan B (and C!)