Make An
Impact Today!

Support our mission of creating accessible EDUCATION & ENRICHMENT to inner-city and Black and Brown students by contributing a donation!

Give By Card

Step-By-Step Guide

  • 01

    Click the “Support EEP” button above and it will redirect you to a payment portal through West Angeles Church.

  • 02

    Enter the $$ amount you’d like to give, select your payment type, and choose between a single or reoccurring offering.

  • 03

    Click the drop down menu and search for Education and Enrichment Ministry” and hit “next”.

Thank you for your generosity, any amount helps & is greatly appreciated and directly impacts our youth.

Why Give?

  • Funds college tours and travel, allowing students to see national colleges firsthand, and imagine their futures.

  • Funds the ability to add more rooms/classes to keep class sizes small for more personalized, one-on-one support.

  • Supports hiring additional educators to expand our teaching capacity and services to more students.

  • Provides college scholarships and sponsorships, directly investing in our student futures.

  • Empower families with vital college and career workshops our program provides while also partnering with higher education professionals.

  • Expand access to education for remote students, plus financial literacy programs.

My daughter was given a full college roadmap by Deacon John Wilson, her junior and senior years with SAT prep, follow-up classes, extra help on math, college applications, and selecting the right school for her.

— S. Cox

My daughter has graduated from Grand Canyon University with her BSN degree in nursing. She completed her program without any loans to repay or any debts on my behalf. She did it all through scholarships, grants, military money on behalf of the parents and all of the advice and encouragement given through your program.

— Doris Anderson

Deacon John Wilson is a community gem. The community is lucky to have him.

— Patricia Beacon Cobb

Give By Check

Mail Your Donation Directly to Us:

West Angeles Church of God in Christ
Education and Enrichment Program

3600 Crenshaw Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA  90016

Attention:  Michelle Lewis, Administrative Assistant, EEP

Made out to "West Angeles Church EEP" and on the memo line "EEP"




  • West Angeles Education and Enrichment Program (EEP) has been active and growing (through various programs and processes) in service to the academic and career success of students in ES, MS and HS and even through College in various ways for over 25 years

    We are serving and informing parents from over 800 families.  Your donation will help us to inform over 1,000 parents by the end of the year. 

    We have helped over 2,000 youth to attend colleges (most of them very affordably) across the nation.

  • Your donation goes 90% to enrichment delivery and support for travel to college for qualified students who are in need. 

    Enrichment delivery includes (but not limited to) :

    • SAT Prep Teachers

    • Homework Assistance Team

    • College Application and Essay Workers

    • Chaperoning for Travel to Colleges

  • YESS!

    We are a ministry of West Angeles Church of God in Christ, Inc.

    Therefore, your donation is tax-deductible.

  • By Card (debit, credit, apple pay, etc.) on the web portal » HERE «


    By sending a check via mail to:

    West Angeles Church of God in Christ
    Education and Enrichment Program

    3600 Crenshaw Boulevard
    Los Angeles, CA  90016

    Attention:  Michelle Lewis, Administrative Assistant, EEP

  • We have active partnerships with:

    California State University (CSU), The George Washington University (GWU), Seattle Pacific University, Boise State University, Charles Drew University and several other colleges and universities.  We have great partnerships with The Princeton Review, EducateCA, Hilton Hotels Foundation, California Student Aid Office, LAUSD Faith-Based Council and more.

  • We mostly serve students at or up to 2.5 times the poverty level (about $30,000); both active and inactive in church, members and non-members of West Angeles Church, all ethnicities but predominantly Black and Latino. 40% at 1-2 times the poverty level.