- ACT 8
- Alumni 2
- Art 2
- COVID 37
- COVID Response Series 12
- Campus Life 7
- Career 29
- Christianity 14
- College Admissions 198
- College Affordability 235
- College Application 52
- College Choices 53
- College Enrollment 10
- College Life 35
- College Sessions 34
- College Students 3
- DEI 1
- Distance Learning 14
- Education 222
- Elementary 1
- Enrichment 6
- Enrichment Programs 24
- Federal Loan Forgiveness 11
- Financial Aid 15
- GPA 24
- Graduates 9
- Graduation 39
- High School 46
- History 3
- Homework Club 3
- Jobs/Internships 65
- Jumpstart Session 1
- Language 9
- Legislation 11
- Life Skills 98
- Math 31
- Middle School 10
- Nursing/ Healthcare 3
- Politics 18
- Private Universities 5
- Programs 1
- Resources 3
- S.T.E.A.M. 33
- SAT 56
- SAT Prep 37
- Scholarships 137
- Summer Program 23
- Tech 9
Is School Broken for Gen Z Students?
Unique issues we're seeing for 8th-11th grade students post-pandemic and the solutions!
Engineer Factory STEM Classes [ 2024]
Get introduced to engineering, coding, robotics and more with The Engineer Factory Spring 2024. See details.
STEM vs. NON-STEM Classes in High School
How to choose between STEM vs. Non-STEM Math Classes in high school?
Jumpstart Session: College Enrollment & Costs
Jumpstart Session Replay: College on a Budget: Smart Strategies for Enrollment and Financial Aid Success
Parents, Put Financial Wellness 1st in College Choice
Why parents should prioritize their financial wellness and future goals when helping students choose a college.
Clearing Up the 2023/24 FAFSA Confusion
An overview of what’s happening with FAFSA this year.
Prepping For The New Digital SAT! What to Know.
What to know about the new digital SAT and how you can prep/
Academic Integrity at Harvard University
Our thoughts on the current events at Harvard and other Ivy League schools.
Conquer Your Semester After the Holidays
Join this meeting to learn how to conquer college after you return from holiday break.
The Truth Behind FAFSA 2024: Debunking Misunderstandings!
What to know about the upcoming changes to FAFSA.
CSU Deadlines Extended (You can still Apply)
With CSU Application deadlines extended, you can still apply to certain schools.
How to Prepare for FAFSA!
The 2024-25 FAFSA will drop during December. The Feds have NOT said which day. However, PARENTS, it's time to get ready.
How to Determine The true Cost of College
We're breaking down how to understand how much your school is going to cost.
Alumni Chat: Ocean Engineering Career
Interview with Laura Banks-Ordone, a graduate of our program and the University of Rhode Island who found a career that aligned with both of her passions of the ocean and engineering.
Why You Should Consider Boise State University!
Boise State is an EEP favorite for our students with a high quality education at an affordable cost. RSVP to learn more!
Alumni Chat: CSU San Bernardino!
A career in social work, Cal State San Bernardino for undergrad and grad school, her faith and spirituality during challenging work, therapy, and much more.
Your Student NEEDS HW Club! Sign-Up Today.
Helping students catch up to grade level learning with our low-cost tutoring.