College Scholarships Hub!

Apply for the latest scholarship opportunities

Apply for the latest scholarship opportunities

REMEMBER: When applying, be sure to read the full requirement & submit ALL necessary information on-time.

How Scholarships aid students in college success…

Aside from the obvious benefits of having extra money for college, there are more — often overlooked — benefits to getting a scholarship.


West Angeles Sponsorship Fund Organization


graduation rate


students sponsored


year college students can apply

It’s not just about getting our students into college, but helping them be able to stay the course!

We Care About Our WASFO recipients From Beginning To End!

  • Can reapply For each Year of College

  • Invited to our Home for the Holidays Fellowship

  • We support students financially and spiritually.

  • College Care packages for students with encouragement and goodies for WASFO students.

  • We Check on students while they’re away.

College Scholarship tips: how to get awarded?


How To Find College Scholarships

(Including Google Search Terms)


The 4 Types Of College Scholarships

Understand what you’re applying for.


The Run Down On College Scholarships

The facts after 20+ years of serving students.