- ACT 8
- Alumni 2
- Art 2
- COVID 37
- COVID Response Series 12
- Campus Life 7
- Career 29
- Christianity 14
- College Admissions 198
- College Affordability 235
- College Application 52
- College Choices 53
- College Enrollment 10
- College Life 35
- College Sessions 34
- College Students 3
- DEI 1
- Distance Learning 14
- Education 222
- Elementary 1
- Enrichment 7
- Enrichment Programs 24
- Federal Loan Forgiveness 11
- Financial Aid 15
- GPA 24
- Graduates 9
- Graduation 39
- High School 46
- History 3
- Homework Club 3
- Jobs/Internships 65
- Jumpstart Session 1
- Language 9
- Legislation 11
- Life Skills 98
- Math 31
- Middle School 10
- Nursing/ Healthcare 3
- Politics 18
- Private Universities 5
- Programs 1
- Resources 3
- S.T.E.A.M. 33
- SAT 56
- SAT Prep 37
- Scholarships 137
- Summer Program 23
- Tech 9
Did You Get Waitlisted To a UC?
3 things to know and do if you got waitlisted to your UC college choice?
College Trips: Last Call! Sonoma, Boise, DC
Come with us to Boise, DC (George Washington University and Howard), and Sonoma State!
Pt. 2 Discover Your True College Fit Through Campus Visits
How Does Travel to College Assist with the College Decision?
Why Boise State Might Be The Best School For You?
In this video, Boise Admissions Rep, Abby Prichard shares some of the key reasons our students always choose Boise State!
College Tours: Timing is Everything - Let's Break It Down...
Expert tips on how to plan your college tours strategically!
Alumni Chat: Ocean Engineering Career
Interview with Laura Banks-Ordone, a graduate of our program and the University of Rhode Island who found a career that aligned with both of her passions of the ocean and engineering.
Why You Should Consider Boise State University!
Boise State is an EEP favorite for our students with a high quality education at an affordable cost. RSVP to learn more!
Alumni Chat: CSU San Bernardino!
A career in social work, Cal State San Bernardino for undergrad and grad school, her faith and spirituality during challenging work, therapy, and much more.
Apply to an HBCU? Come to this College Fair
Attend the Annual Black College Summit! Wednesday, October 25, 2023, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM, Holman United Methodist Church 3320 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA, 90018
Student Chat: A Non-Traditional Route into USC
Recent USC grad, Ricardo Perez discusses his unique route into USC, adding a year, and his way into Law History and Culture Major.
[Video] CSU Drops The COVID Vaccine Mandate!
CSU schools officially drop the COVID Vaccine mandate, but still recommends the boost. Learn more in this 2 minute video from Deacon John Wilson.
[Video] Knowing and Considering the Cost of College | Part 2
In this 2nd part of a 2-part series, Deacon Wilson asks parents to consider all factors of the decision to take on parent loan debt for college.
[Video] Knowing and Considering the Cost of College | Part 1
HOW parents can KNOW what their youth's college will cost and uses bible verse Luke 14:26-33 as guidance to the college cost process. Part 1
[Video] How To Strategically Choose A College Major
Navigate the world of College Majors and Career - Including the development of parallel skills while in 4-Year College in this video.
[Video] CSU Admission & Financial Aid Updates for c/o 2023
Deacon Wilson covers upcoming dues dates and which CSUs are still accepting applications.