- ACT 8
- Alumni 2
- Art 2
- COVID 37
- COVID Response Series 12
- Campus Life 7
- Career 29
- Christianity 14
- College Admissions 198
- College Affordability 234
- College Application 52
- College Choices 53
- College Enrollment 10
- College Life 35
- College Sessions 34
- College Students 3
- DEI 1
- Distance Learning 14
- Education 222
- Elementary 1
- Enrichment 6
- Enrichment Programs 24
- Federal Loan Forgiveness 11
- Financial Aid 15
- GPA 24
- Graduates 9
- Graduation 39
- High School 46
- History 3
- Homework Club 3
- Jobs/Internships 65
- Jumpstart Session 1
- Language 9
- Legislation 11
- Life Skills 98
- Math 31
- Middle School 10
- Nursing/ Healthcare 3
- Politics 18
- Private Universities 5
- Programs 1
- Resources 3
- S.T.E.A.M. 33
- SAT 56
- SAT Prep 37
- Scholarships 136
- Summer Program 23
- Tech 9
Apply to an HBCU? Come to this College Fair
Attend the Annual Black College Summit! Wednesday, October 25, 2023, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM, Holman United Methodist Church 3320 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA, 90018
Transcriptology | Why Students Don't Hear Back From Colleges?
Don’t get left on read. Understand what colleges need in order to admit you.
Why High School Seniors Need 4 Years of Math?
If your student needs help with their MATH join our Virtual Homework Assistance Program
Student Chat: A Non-Traditional Route into USC
Recent USC grad, Ricardo Perez discusses his unique route into USC, adding a year, and his way into Law History and Culture Major.
School's Aren't Required to Tell parents this...
Are they your children or the school’s children?
Don't Rely on High Schools for FAFSA Support
Based on last year, public schools have weaknesses in helping students receive FAFSA in the following situations…
How Many Private Colleges Should You Apply To?
Discover the Perfect Number of Private Colleges for Your Applications – Your Academic Future Awaits!
100+ Colleges Still Require the COVID-19 Vaccine
Did you know that 100+ schools are still requiring the vaccine? Check this list to see if your school does.
The FOUR Types of College Essays
Understand the 4 types of college essays you’ll encounter and what they all require.
The FIRST Steps of Your College Application Process
A quick step-by-step guide on where to start with College Applications for High School Seniors. Follow these steps FIRST.
PARENTS: How To Address Gender Discussions in Public Schools
Deacon Wilson makes parents aware of GENDER teaching and GENDER transitioning that can occur without parental approval.
How to ACTUALLY Get Into Howard University
Cracking the code to Howard University’s admissions process to increase your chances of getting in and affordability.
How UC's Can Get More Black Students
Looking to enhance black student enrollment at University of California universities? In this video, Deacon Wilson provides valuable insights into tackling the challenge of the 5.5% representation in the Fall 2023 Freshman Class
Exploring the Lack of Diversity on UC Campuses!
Curious about the ethnic mix at the University of California? This video takes a critical look at the situation, shedding light on the factors contributing to the lack of diversity across UC schools.
The CA Math Framework is not Racially Equitable
Deacon Wilson discusses and presents a GREAT opinion article about the CA MATH Framewok that Parents, students and School District textbook purchases and Math curriculum leaders should read.
Guide: 4 Types of College Admissions!
Understand the different types of college admissions and our guidance on how to use them.
[Video] The Best SAT Test Strategy for College Admissions
The best options for making your SAT Test scores work for you.
[Video] What to Do About SAT Test Site Crisis?
If you can’t find a location to take the SAT Test, try this.