7 Top Ways Students and Parents can Control College Costs
Empowering you to control how much you pay for college.
STUDENTS: Have a realistic, non-entitlement perspective of yourself.
Students: You get the school you earn and choose and not just the one you choose. (Life Lesson 1: The college selection process teaches us that you can’t have everything you want.)
Students: Please easily understand that you cannot have a right to attend any college you want no matter the cost – no matter what your parents say or promise
Students: Applications require WORK and time above and beyond your homework, job, athletics, etc.
PARENTS: Have Open Conversations with Your Youth!
Parents: How much are you willing to pay in cash for college per year?
Parents: How much debt are you willing take? How much per month are you willing to pay per month for 7-10 years after your student leaves college?
Parents: Evaluate your student’s study skills and willingness to succeed academically when you are NOT there every day before going into debt.
Come to OUR WORKSHOP for HS student academic success – Sunday August 7th, 2:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. – Dr. Corliss Bennett
Use our HOMEWORK CLUB – Starts Tuesday, September 6th – Register ONLINE
WHY? – Helps with a FEW merit awards & and leads you into college on a HIGH SUCCESSFUL know how you learn and do well in class.
Curb your number of activities and employment; Most students are doing too much to do better than before in HS
REGULATE AND CONTROL the Use of AP Classes for the 12th Grade Year
Academic Merit Awards for Selective Colleges are Based on 3 Years not 3 ½ or 4 years
Understand the mathematics of this situation – If you want to “raise your GPA”. It’s probably too late to do it via AP Classes in the 12th Grade Year
Students: Resist fear of disappointing counselors or teacher; Be more in “you first” mentality
Recognize when you SHOULD actually continue AP Classes and when you SHOULD NOT.
SHOW CURIOSITY and Interest in ALL TYPES of Colleges – Not Just 1-2
Watch for “EARLY lock-in”; Parents & Students! (This is the ONE THING that colleges HOPE FOR.)
Visit colleges that you THINK you will not like
Students: Learn to draw a distinction between APPLYING vs. ATTENDING a college. (Shopping vs. Buying)
FIND OUT AND APPLY for the Most “Affordable” Colleges
“NAME BRAND” College interest with AVG – VERY GOOD grades = VERY HIGH COLLEGE COST
“NAME BRAND” College interest with SUPER HIGH grades = Quite reduced College Cost in MANY CASES
Watch for “EARLY lock-in”; Parents & Students! (This is the ONE THING that colleges HOPE FOR.)
Visit colleges that you THINK/BELIEVE that you will not like
Students: Learn to draw a distinction between APPLYING and ATTENDING a college. (Shopping vs. Buying)
KNOW the Most “Affordable” Colleges by College-Type
Relatively “Affordable” Selective Private Colleges
Relatively “Affordable” Selective Mostly Black Colleges
Mostly “Affordable” Western Public Universities