Virtual Spanish School with BuentutorsLA EducationDistance LearningLife Skills Jan 6 Written By West A EEP A 10-week online course is designed for your student to feel confident in holding a 5 minute (minimum) conversation completely in Spanish. Perfect for the learner who may have taken Spanish in school, but never quite had the confidence to hold a conversation or the person who never took a Spanish class a day in their life. Register Today → LanguageSpanishVirtual Learning West A EEP
Virtual Spanish School with BuentutorsLA EducationDistance LearningLife Skills Jan 6 Written By West A EEP A 10-week online course is designed for your student to feel confident in holding a 5 minute (minimum) conversation completely in Spanish. Perfect for the learner who may have taken Spanish in school, but never quite had the confidence to hold a conversation or the person who never took a Spanish class a day in their life. Register Today → LanguageSpanishVirtual Learning West A EEP