PT. 2 Life Prep for c/o 2022-26: Distance Learning This Fall
Part 2 of our Life Prep Annual Meeting
For classes of 2022-2026
This Fall Students Need Help with DL or a “Hybrid” of Distance learning and Classroom
Where can you find this hybrid classroom?
Summer Program Preparation for DL or Hybrid this Fall
Distance Learning in the Future:
It May Become Common in HS and College Learning
In response to COVID-19 Virus, HS and Colleges Have learned that Parents will accept DL
College Cost Realities will require DL
Studies of how youth want to learn have concluded that learning will be on a screen
Problem: What do we do about students who “just cannot learn online”? Prepare them in SUMMER!! (smiles)
Email: Cristina Martinez
General Administrative Support, Summer Program Administration
Email: Quinn Davis
LATTC Project Coordinator, Project Assistant