Lack of Equity and Fairness in LAUSD with Distance Learning
For LAUSD, under serving students is nothing new, but 2020 is making the district’s shortcomings clearer than ever, especially for the Black and Latino students who always get the worst deal. After a lost spring semester where LAUSD failed to engage 4 out of 10 students every day, the district’s remote learning plan for the fall doesn’t provide top learning for our students.
Some Notes From LAUSD Parents
They didn’t say how to do the homework
It’s hard to talk to the teacher directly and getting a hold of the secretary is difficult
I can’t be his teacher because my job starts really early
He’s a good student, but this is terrible because I can’t help him with his education
Ultimately, his dream of going to college is fading
It’s much harder. He didn’t learn anything this past semester.
Nobody helped her, after asking for help.
On the phone for 30 min .. and the teacher doesn’t even speak Spanish…she said she would contact someone but she wasn’t connected to anybody
LAUSD is neglecting their students and public education
The spring agreement deepened inequities to critical levels
She has less than 3 hours / week
English teacher combined English with history and only HAD 3 HOURS of instruction the whole summer
Her daughter was rarely able to connect with other students // not enough social interactions
She participated in parent groups with the school, and received some resources but was not given any materials to help her learning
They had rallies outside the LAUSD district offices .. they shared their concerns with the board and only 2 responded.
Many parents are taking legal action
What is wrong with LAUSDs distance learning plan?
Not enough learning time
Not enough learning time with teachers
Not enough support for families to be co-educators -not enough support for teachers
No protections for equal access to curriculum
No focused equity efforts