Getting College Ready Starts Earlier Than You Think


The journey to college for youth starts well before they walk across the stage during their high school graduation.

Here’s what we’ve learned…

  • It starts from the moment they begin attending school.

  • Parents should begin investing time and effort to ensure their children’s learning as early as elementary school.

  • Every grade counts… from Kindergarten - Grade 12."

  • Even though colleges only focus on student performance in high school, the skills that they learn in grades K – 8 will be the building blocks that help them succeed in Grade 9 – 12.


So, What Do You Do?

Get active in your children’s education. Check in on their progress in school and make sure they are in the right learning environments to master the academic content they need for college and life success.

But don’t try to do it all alone.

Partner with us to help your child realize their full potential inside and outside of the classroom. We provide programs and workshops that will help put your child on the college track. DON'T WAIT UNTIL YOUR CHILD'S 12th GRADE YEAR. BY THEN, IT'S MUCH TOO LATE.


View Our Programs →


Class of 2019 Jumpstart Session Dates


College Admission Process: Class Recap (C/O 2019)