College Admission Process: Class Recap (C/O 2019)


For your prayer consideration

LUKE 14 28 “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? 29 For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, 30 saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish.’




College costs include the following factors of your HS Student's performance...

  • Assumption – Unweighted GPA = 3.3, SAT = 500 Verbal and 500 Math

  • Assumption – Family Income = $65,000+

  • CSU - $13,000 to $18,000 per year out of pocket

  • UC – Very few are admissible/ $16,000 to $28,000 per year

  • Private College (Including HBCUs) - $22,000 to $45,000

  • All “Student-Popular” “trap” Public Universities: ASU, UA, Oregon State, University of Oregon, UNLV, University of Washington, Washington State University, LSU - $35,000 to $48,000

    Unless GPA = 3.7+ and SAT = 1200+

Therefore, Students:

Alternative Affordable Colleges


  • Boise State
  • University of Nevada Reno
  • Montana State
  • Northern Arizona University

et al ($6,000 to $12,000 per year)


  • Seattle Pacific University,
  • Grand Canyon University,
  • Warner Pacific

et al ($12,000 to $19,000)

(*Be sure to check out our events for more information on our upcoming National Christian College Fair @ West Angeles, Saturday, October 13th, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.)

CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITIES: “Scaled Selectivity” ($13,000 to $18,000 per year)

Top Reasons that Prevent Consideration of Affordable Colleges

  • Race-Related Fears (Fears about locations, schooling with individuals of different racial backgrounds…).

  • Assumption that “Name Brand” - Usually Private - Colleges are “Better”.

  • Don’t want to or fear of going away to college.

  • Improper assumptions about college cost – Parent thinks it’s higher than it is, given the student’s performance in HS.



  1. Early Lock-In on Non-Affordable College

  2. School is picked for its name and reputation with not much cost consideration.

  3. Grades are not high enough for merit award from the selected institution; But parents proceed in order to make youth happy.

  4. Students get a school they WANT rather than one they WANT and EARN

How To Improve Your Grades...It MAY NOT be too late

  • Re-think the people you hang out with and are surrounded by. 

    • Are they heading in the same direction as you?

  • Understand the ONE THING that your parents have that you do not have.

  • Stop cell phone use at 9:00 p.m. each night – Monday thru Thursday

    • Gives balance, allows for better sleep, and allows you to properly rest & focus for your studies.

  • Limit your social networking. Why? It’s more distracting than you think.

    • Yes, that means Snap Chat, Instagram, Tumblr, FB, Twitter and texting.

  • Don’t get too deeply involved in relationships with the someone until you are ready to leave college.

    • Although they can be great, relationships can be distracting and cause your priorities to shift during the beginning stages of your college career.

  • Keep God first, family then school….nothing should get between or before these - NOTHING



  • California State Universities (CSUs)

  • University of California (UCs)

  • Private Protestant Christian Colleges

  • Private Catholic Colleges

  • Private Colleges (Non-Religious)

    • HBCUs

  • Out-of- State Public Colleges – Western States

  • Out of State Public Colleges

    • TBCs, “Big Ten” Colleges & Universities



Out-of- State Public Colleges – Western States

  • West Angeles EEP Application Period: September 15th – October 15th


    • Arizona State University

    • University of Arizona

    • Oregon State University

    • University of Oregon

    • University of Nevada Las Vegas

    • University of Washington

    • Washington State University


    • Boise State University

    • University of Nevada Reno

    • Northern Arizona University

    • University of New Mexico

    • New Mexico State University

    • and MANY MORE


    • Boise State - GPA 3.2 and SAT Score- Math & Reading – 1020, $14,000 to $15,000 Net Direct Cost; Income > $55,000; Income < $55,000, $4,000 to $5,000 owed

  • No ESSAY; No Recommendation; Transcripts Required

  • SAT/ACT Score MUST BE SENT via College Board

Out-of- State Public Colleges aka “Big 10 Colleges”

  • West Angeles EEP Application Period: October 15th to November 15th
  • What is the “Big Ten”? A group of 14 Colleges that play in the SAME NCAA Div. 1 Conference located across the mid-west all the way to UM & Rutgers on the East Coast. They have recently begun coordinating their admissions requirements; Some are quite affordable for GOOD Students (listed in no particular order):
    1. University of Nebraska*
    2. University of Iowa*
    3. University of Illinois
    4. Northwestern University
    5. University of Minnesota* 
    6. University of Indiana
    7. Purdue University
    8. Ohio State University*
    9. University of Wisconsin
    10. Michigan State University
    11. University of Michigan
    12. Penn State University
    13. Rutgers University
    14. University of Maryland

*Most Affordable Big 10 College

  • ESSAY; No Recommendations Needed; Transcripts Required – Note: University of Michigan is on the Common Application, the rest have their own online application – Use GOOGLE
  • SAT/ACT Score MUST BE SENT via College Board

California State Universities (CSUs)

  • “Best” Application Period: October 1st thru 20th

  • Minimum CSI Index is 2950; Most Difficult Admission CSUs are 3500 to 4100

  • CSU Index = CSU/UC GPA times 800 plus the CSU Math & Reading SAT Score

  • Most Difficult to Admit:

    • CSU Poly SLO

    • San Diego State University

    • CSU Long Beach

    • CSU Fullerton

    • San Jose State University

  • Easiest to Admit:

    • CSU Bakersfield

    • CSU Dominguez Hills

    • CSU East Bay

    • CSU Channel Islands

    • SF State University

    • or your local CSU

  • SAT/ACT Score MUST BE SENT via College Board


4 Most Important Factors About High School GPAs

  1. Weighted GPA – Approximately Equal to UC/CSU GPA on Some Transcripts – Includes extra points for A’s and B’s in AP & Honors Classes (5 and 4 for AP) – a “C” is 2 Points

  2. Un-Weighted GPA – aka “Total GPA” or “LAUSD GPA” – A =4, B= 3, C= 2, D =1

  3. College Academic Merit Award ALMOST ALWAYS are based on Unweighted GPA

  4. The UC’s read WEIGHTED GPA; Selective Private Colleges Read AP Classes QUALITATIVELY not QUANTITATIVELY – i.e. They may consider AP Classes


How to Admit to a CSU

CSU – Admissions Eligibility Index

  • UC/CSU or “Weighted” GPA times 800 + Math & SAT Verbal Test
  • Scores – 2950 Minimum is Required

  • UC/CSU or “Weighted” GPA times 200 + 10 times the ACT Composite Score – 694 Minimum is Required

Apply by November 30th

Go to to apply!


  • No Essay

  • No Teacher Recommendation

  • No Extra-Curricular Activity Benefit

  • Transcript not required UNLESS requested in writing

  • Application OPENS October 1st

Minimum Classes Needed for CSU/UC Admission

  • MATH – Algebra 1AB, Algebra 2AB, Geometry AB; one more year recommended
  • ENGLISH – 4 years-8 Semesters; Mixture of Composition and Literature/ We recommend writing class in 12th Grade as MANDATORY
  • LAB SCIENCE – Life Science (Usually Biology) and Physical Science (Usually Chemistry) / We recommend one additional General or Lab Science
  • HISTORY/SOCIAL SCIENCE – 2 full years - 4 Semesters/ 1 more year recommended
  • FOREIGN LANGUAGE – 2 Full Year – 4 Semesters
  • ART – 1 Full Year – Same Art
  • ELECTIVE – 2 Semesters; 6 Semesters recommended (Additional classes in the above can meet this requirement

 CSU Admission Area Impaction

  • Area Impaction means that most CSUs will FIRST admit students in their area (by HS) and then there are few or VERY FEW spots remaining for additional students from across the state.
  • CSUs that are not impacted and have many spaces for students across the state; They admit for the minimum CSU Eligibility Index (2950):

    – CSU Bakersfield, CSU Dominguez Hills, CSU Channel Island, CSU Stanislaus, San Francisco State University
  • CSUs that will admit with 2950-3200 Index:
    – CSU Sacramento, CSU San Bernardino, CSU Poly Pomona for most majors, CSU Monterey Bay

  • The Highest Index CSUs:
    CSU Poly SLO, SDSU, CSULB, CSU Fullerton, CSU Northridge, San Jose State, CSU Fresno, CSU Los Angeles

  • Remember: If your HS is in the area of any of those schools, then the admissions index is 2950


How to Beat Impaction

  • Have High Enough Grades and SAT Scores – “High” CSU Index (3600 or above)
  • Know which CSUs are impacted for which majors
    • Google “Impaction at ________”
  • Know Which CSUs have which majors
  • Always apply to your HS’s local CSU!!!
  • Understand Completely the Difference Between Career & Major
  • Ask me (smiles)

Application Timelines & Processes

  • University of California (UC)
    • West Angeles EEP Application Period: November 1st - 10th
    • GOOGLE “UC Application ONLINE”
    • General Admissions Requirements – Top 4% to 12% of the Senior Class; typically 3.5 to 4.0+ GPA
    • Most Difficult to Admit: UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara
    • Easier to Admit: UC Davis, UC Irvine
    • Easiest to Admit: UC Merced, UC Riverside, UC Santa Cruz
    • No Recommendation; Transcripts not Required Unless SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED
    • SAT/ACT Score MUST BE SENT via College Board
  • HBCUs – Historically Black Colleges & Universities
    • West Angeles EEP Application Period: October 1st thru Nov 1st
    • Some are on Common Application –
    • Most GOOGLE “(COLLEGE NAME) Application Online”
    • Recommendations; 3-Year Transcript is Required to Be Sent after application is delivered ONLINE
    • SAT/ACT Score MUST BE SENT via College Board
    • Most Affordable EEP Recommended HBCUs - Howard University, Fisk University, Paul Quinn, Tuskegee, Norfolk State (GPA 3.5+, SAT 1150)
    • Affordable with VERY HIGH Grades – GPA 3.8 Unweighted & SAT 1300 – Hampton, Spelman, Morehouse
    • TBCU’s to Consider for GPA >3.45: VA State University, FloridaA&M, NC A&T, Prairie View A&M
  • Protestant Christian Colleges
    • West Angeles EEP Application Period: November 1st – 30th
    • Difficult to Afford - Azusa Pacific University, BIOLA University, Point Loma Nazarene, Westmont University, George Fox
    • Easier to Afford: Grand Canyon University, Seattle Pacific University, Warner Pacific, Fresno Pacific
    • Reduced Cost Examples: Grand Canyon University (GCU) – 3.6 GPA/ SAT 1020 - $4,000-$5,000; Nearly no cost if Catholic or Christian HS; Seattle Pacific University – 3.5 GPA –Unweighted; SAT 1100- Math & Verbal – Income < $50,000 - $4,000 to $5,000
    • ESSAY; Recommendation; Transcripts Required; No Essay or Recommendation are required for GCU
    • SAT/ACT Score MUST BE SENT via College Board

NOTE: National Christian College Fair Here at West Angeles, 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Saturday - October 13th


Why Did the Student/Family Pick _____?

  • California State University (CSU)
    • Students of all GPAs 2.5 all the way to 4.0+
    • SATs Scores from reduced to high
    • Up to 33% of the Net Direct Cost of MANY selective Private Colleges; Tuition is 11-15% of the cost of MANY selective private colleges
    • Nothing out of pocket for a local CSU
    • More ethnically diverse; More majors than other schools
    • Student always say they want to stay close to home
    • Many types of CSUs – LARGE-MEDIUM-SMALL- 22 Campuses
  • University of California (UC)

    • Prestige of UC in this State; It’s considered the highest educational objective in this state – Particularly with Black and Hispanic educators, community leaders and social justice advocates; It’s become the way that Black and Hispanic leaders measure educational success

    • Teachers and Counselors HIGHLY favor UC – especially UC Berkeley and UCLA

    • UCs are leading research schools; 75% of my students immediately go for their Masters Degrees

    • Student who did very well in AP Classes will do well at UC and are attracted to the “research” style curriculum; VERY LARGE classes for 3 years

    • Cost is not the reason since most admitted students can attend out-of-state public schools or Private Colleges for less

    • UCLA is $15,500 per year out of pocket (living at home)


What Do I Send to Which Colleges: Transcripts vs. SAT/ACT Scores


OOS Public Colleges
Private Colleges




*Transcripts Sent ONLY WHEN REQUESTED via E-Mail


Some College Admission Rules to Remember

  • For UC/CSU GPAs of 2.7 or below, most likely you’re looking at a CSU unless a school of 80% to 120% more in cost (and debt is OK)
  • The more popular schools among student, the harder it is to pay for.....Examples: ASU, UA, Univ. of Oregon, Oregon State, USF, SDSU, UNLV – All are $38-$45,000 net cost.
  • A super high GPA and SAT do not guarantee a “free ride”
  • If a student can get into UCLA, UC Berkeley, UCSD, UCSB or UCD they could go s private college in the east for way less
  • Getting into an HBCU (other than the few highly selective ones) is WAYYYY easier than PAYING for it
  • The more open minded students and parents are the better the college match for both affordability and “Career Start-ability”

FAFSA & Financial Aid Reminders

  • The 2019-20 FAFSA should be filed by us or you ONLINE October 1-10, 2018 (
  • It cannot be filed ONLINE prior to October 1st
  • Youth & Parent Should be Ordering Username & Password as soon as possible using our procedure (At the Table Afterwards)
  • The 2019-20 FAFSA will use parent(s) 2017 Income
  • If you or the dependent parent have not yet filed your 2017 Tax Return, please do so as soon as possible

4 Ways We Can Help Youth Get Into an Affordable College

  • Assist with the development of a balanced college list with admissible and affordable college options
  • Provision of Personal Support (one-on-one when necessary) and General Support (Small groups) throughout the admissions process; Timely General Information Sessions and College Tours
  • Proper and accurate submission of FAFSA and all other necessary FA Papers – If Requested
  • SAT Prep and SAT/ACT Advice and Support

How Can You Help Us to Help You?

  • Watch your email closely!! Read email carefully!
  • Respond to E-mail: We are only overcrowded when we learn at the last minute (or the day/week before an event)
    • At that time, we cannot affordably react with good solutions
  • ay all required fees on time or ask for a payment agreement – we will work with you when we can
  • Students: Be open minded about your college pick and get GREAT grades this semester – No C’s!!: Do not expect your parents to go into a lot of debt if you have not EARNED your college!
  • Let’s have your College Readiness Conference – Me, Parent(s) and Youth....Students need a good solid college list


Need Unofficial Transcript & SAT/PSAT/ACT scores? tontact us.


Getting College Ready Starts Earlier Than You Think


Fall 2018 College Tours!!