Why Are The SAT Test Sites In California Closed?
Due to COVID, some SAT Test sites have closed in California
Why are the SAT Test Sites in Our State Closed?
95% of the Schools are Closed –Why?
The Teacher’s Unions (UTLA and others), Teamsters and SEIU (State Employees) do not believe the schools will be “safe” this semester
Gov. Newsom Ordered the Schools Closed subject to meeting specific and TOUGH Health Requirements
Agreement has already been reached for semester closure (Between LAUSD and UTLA- Other Districts Too!)
What Does the Teacher’s Union (UTLA) Say?
UTLA Vote was 82% against even a hybrid (at Home and School Sites)
Teachers’ Union (UTLA) Demands for Re-Opening:
Charter Schools Shutdown
Police defunded
Medicare for all- End private insurance
Wealth Tax (3%)
Increased Federal Funding for Schools to allow schedules salary increase
Triple the funding for the homeless
“Significantly” higher financial support (pay)
CA Governor’s School & Church Re-Opening Criteria
A county is flagged for elevated disease transmission criteria if:
Case rate (per 100,000) >100
ORCase rate (per 100,000) >25 AND testing positivity >8.0%
Above must be confirmed for 21-24 days
Need Help? Contact Us!
Cristina Martinez – cmartinez.eep@gmail.com
General Administrative Support, College Readiness Meetings
Quinn Davis – quinndavis.eep@gmail.com
CSU Application Data Sheet & 2021-22 FAFSA Links to ONLINE Forms
Deacon John Wilson, III, Director – (323) 384-1489 (Cell) or holythinkers@gmail.com