COVID-19 — The Remedy for Distance Learning Challenges
Why this year’s online Summer Bridge Program is especially important to public school students!
Find out why…
Our Observations of Digital Learning:
During this period of Government response to the Corona Virus (CV-19) trend infection in our community, our state has canceled all in-person school – public and private for this school year. We at West Angeles Education and Enrichment Program (EEP) have been providing distance homework assistance for students and speaking with parents during the shutdown. As a result, we have seen and observed the results of the distance learning process in public and private middle school and high school and have great concern about the readiness for Fall classes, particularly in Math and Language Skills (Reading and Writing).
While our observation is that, partially due to funding and technological superiority, private middle and high schools have maintained much better distance classroom practices this semester along with significantly better student engagement, we see that public school are struggling much more with student engagement and participation.
This means that in most cases, your student will start school this Fall in classes only to find that he or she is measurably behind in sequential subject matter – particularly in Math and Science classes.
Hence, the “educational divide” is widening even more between inner-city Public School students (many of whom are underserved minorities) and private school students given the public leadership response to the COVID-19 Virus. Students taking Chemistry, Physics, Algebra II, Algebra, Geometry and Advanced Math next year will be impacted the most by this divide.
One more thing: If students losing ground this semester was not enough, educational leadership in Sacramento and Teacher’s Unions are seriously talking about continuing with distance learning this fall for many, if not all, classes.
West Angeles EEP, as part of our 2020 Summer Bridge Program (SBP) will be offering distance prep enrichment classes for fall math, science and writing to prepare youth for in-class or ONLINE classes this Fall semester. Our very affordable and unique, but more personalized approach ONLINE will help students and parents to navigate these types of programs successfully. If you are interested in this program for your youth, please register below for the limited openings.
If you have any questions, please contact us at or for registration assistance.