COVID-19 For Parents of College Freshmen Coming Home


In your rush to bring your students home EARLY in the semester (due to Covid-19 directives), I can see that within all of the excitement - of your bringing them back, you could lose THOUSANDS of dollars and there could be much academic impact if you do not carefully think things through for you and your youth.

Here are some important considerations:

  1. What about the 2-3 months of rent that was paid in advance? Isn't a credit for this due when your student leaves?  How is it calculated?  When will it be placed in the account for a refund? If not refunded, will your loan or your student's loan be reduced?

  2. Airfare? If your cheapest airfare is in 10-14 days and you can only afford it if it's cheaper, can the student leave later?

  3. What about storage for furniture and other logistics of departing from the Dorm? Didn't you originally plan to be there in May or June when they moved out?

  4. Is your student now working? Is the income needed? Can they stay until the end of the semester any way?

  5. Finally, does your student need on-campus tutoring for their course? Remember there no tutoring and no study group at home.

  6. What about unreturned library books?

Please carefully consider the above. We are noticing city, state and school leaderships are not considering the secondary effects of these decisions to CLOSE SCHOOLS at all levels.

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