01 — Book Your College Readiness Meeting
This meeting is your first step of the college journey. We would like to meet with the youth, parent(s) and/or the stakeholders in the success of the child. It would be very helpful and most successful to bring two items; Unofficial three-year transcript and test scores of SAT/ACT and/or PSAT. Please call at 323-733-8300 x2629 and schedule your meeting now and be on time!
02 — College Jumpstart Sessions
Jumpstart Sessions are highly informational of admissions and financial aid. Fun fact! Those who attend almost all sessions regularly are those who attend a great affordable college; and those who do not attend sessions regularly often miss deadlines from which they could never fully recover.
03 — Travel To Colleges Of Your Choice
Always always always visit the college(s) of your choice. Join us on our college tours we provide for the youth.
04 — FAFSA and other Financial Aid Requirements
It is very important to file your FAFSA between October 1 and January 31. We will give you tips on filing or we would be gladly to file it for you to ensure accuracy and completion.
05 — Life Confirmation Session
Life Confirmation Sessions are held between February and June of the youth’s senior year. These sessions provide information on how to stay and finish college.