Grades 6-10
sTEM Workshop Series
Join us for our upcoming Engineer Build Workshop Series which gives students in grades 6-10 a fun and engaging way to explore their interests in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM).

We Believe in the future of S.T.E.M.
Our STEM workshops help students gain exposure to various engineering concepts (e.g. electrical, civil, mechanical, etc.) through hands-on learning projects that they can complete at home with the guidance of our online instructors.
The workshops will take place in-person at:
West Angeles Church North Campus
Space is limited, so RSVP with our Online Registration Form below to hold a spot for your youth today!
Workshop 1
Doodle Bots
Wednesday, July 28th
1p - 2:30p
Workshop 2
Hydraulic Bridge
saturday, July 31st
9 - 10:30am
The workshop is free for students who are participating in our Summer Bridge Program or Summer Algebra Institute. For students not participating in these programs, the workshop fee is $50 per student to cover the cost of materials for both workshops.
Registration Form
PLEASE NOTE: This STEM Workshop series is an educational enrichment activity designed to give youth career exposure to the STEM field. It does not provide class credit for high school or college to students who participate.