Out-of-Pocket College Cost Guide
Get an idea of your student loans based on parent(s) income.
Income below $50,000 — $0 - $6,000 owed
Income above $55,000 — $13,900 to $21,000 owed
Income below $70,000 — $0 - $8,000 owed
Income above $70,000 — $9,000 - $30,000 owed
Private Colleges:
Income below $50,000 — $4,000 - $30,000 owed/year
Income above $50,000 — $25,000 - $50,000 owed/year
Questions? Email us at westa.eep@gmail.com
This article is a part of our Jumpstart 8 Session.
To get all the information, watch the presentation and download the pdf here →