Career Planning Mistakes in College!
How to approach your career plan in college!
Approaching college as purely a “get away” or to get a degree. It’s about starting your life!
Not understanding why you are created! This can ultimately be a spiritual issue. And while this is an ongoing journey, staying connected to this question through your college experience is major!
Psalm 139: 14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my should knows very well.
Being rigid about your major; it should NOT an important consideration in picking a college.
Today, there are so many major’s that can lend itself to your dream career and choosing a college should be based on MANY other factors that solely a major.
Once you choose a college that’s an ALL AROUND great fit for you, create a career plan based on the college you’ve chosen!
Picking a major based on an academic decision. Choosing a major is a strategic, deliberate CAREER and LIFE decision, not in ANY WAY and academic decision.